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Preparing a file for client import
Preparing a file for client import
Written by Bryan Wang
Updated over 11 months ago

The excel file used for importing clients has the following structure. You can download a template here: Client import template.xlsx

The column meanings are as follows:

  • row_id - (Required) This can be the client number your organization uses to uniquely identify clients or you can simply use an increasing series of 1,2,3,4, etc. This ID can be alphanumeric, such as ADULT1 and CHILD1

  • related_to_row_id - (Optional) This is the row_id of the head of household that this client belongs to

  • client_number - (Optional) This is the identifier your organization assigns to a client

  • first_name - (Optional) The client's first name

  • middle_name - (Optional) The client's middle name

  • last_name - (Optional) The client's last name

  • street1 - (Optional) The client's street address 1. Ex. 123 Main St. Cannot include "?"

  • street2 - (Optional) The client's street address 2. Ex. Apt. 1

  • city - (Optional) The client's city. Ex. Boston

  • state - (Optional) The client's state. Ex. Massachusetts (must be full spelling rather than abbreviation)

  • zip_code - (Optional) The client's zip code. Ex. 02108

  • date_of_birth - (Optional) The client's date of birth. Must be in YYYY-MM-DD (1985-02-01)

  • age - (Optional) The client's age

  • phone_number - (Optional) The client's phone number

  • email_address - (Optional) The client's email address

  • occupation - (Optional) The client's job

  • veteran - (Optional) Is the client a veteran? Must be true or false.

  • age_group - (Optional) Must be one of adult, child or senior.

The following columns are only applicable if they are enabled in your Organizations Client Fields

  • gender - (Optional) The client's gender. Must be in all lowercase (e.g. male)

  • race_ethnicity - (Optional) The client's race/ethnicity

Special Notes on Column Headers

  • Do the column headers need to be spelled exactly as they appear above?

    • Yes. They are case sensitive too.

  • Does the order of the columns matter?

    • No.

  • What happens if I upload a column that is not one of the expected fields above?

    • It is ignored.

Troubleshooting and data validation

  • If the files are not importing, first paste the data into a clean worksheet with just the values, and save as a csv

  • Make sure there are no white spaces in categorical fields (e.g. state codes, gender)

  • Make sure the dates are formatted in the yyyy-mm-dd format, and actually stored as dates rather than text

  • Make sure there are no special characters

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